Access Keys:

Convent of Mercy Nursery, Folly Lane, Downpatrick, County Down

Special Educational Provision Consultation

15th May 2023

Do you have a child who would benefit from additional support? The Education Authority has launched a consultation on the support and services they provide to school.  If this year we have offered additional support or a referral to service offered by the Education Authority I would be grateful if  could take the time to complete the consultation.  PLEASE NOTE THIS DOES NOT INCLUDE THE SPEECH & LANGUAGE SUPPORT FROM SMALL TALK NI.

About the Consultation

The EA plan for Special Educational Provision sets out how EA supports educational settings and schools, parents, children and young people who have a Special Educational Need (SEN) and/or Disability (SEND).

This consultation process is designed to allow you, as a key stakeholder, to have your say about the plan, and the plan content. Your feedback will help us to shape the content of the plan. We value your thoughts and opinions.


A Plan of Arrangements for Special Educational Provision


Link to the services offered to Nursery Schools