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Convent of Mercy Nursery, Folly Lane, Downpatrick, County Down
Amazon Jungle [17th May 2024] | May Bank Holiday Reminders: 1st May Bank Holiday: CLOSED Friday 3rd May & Monday 6th May2nd May Holiday Bank Holiday Week: CLOSED Monday 27th May – Friday 31st May.Reopening Monday 3rd June.
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Dinner Starts

21st Sep 2023

We will be introducing the children from Thursday 28th September in groups to the dinner routine.  Then more children will be  added to the dinner sessions on Tuesday 3rd and Thursday 5th of October.  Once the children start dinner they will stay for the first week until 12.30 (Thursday to Wednesday) or (Tuesday to Monday) before we stay the full day as you may have noticed that they are tired and this gradual increase will pay off long term as they settle.  

Dinner are £2.50 per day (weekly £12.50) and snack money is £3 - please ensure the amount is paid on Monday and placed in the snack bag we have provided.  

If you have not yet received notification that your application for free school meals has been confirmed you have to prepay for the dinners until the school receives confirmation and this is not refundable or you have the option to delay starting dinners until you receive the email from the Education Authority - please inform Miss Donoghue if you wish to delay your child's dinner start day.   

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